Grouping child taxonomies by their parents


WordPress hierarchical taxonomies allow you to assign terms to a parent term. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to group the child terms under each parent, and make the parent unselectable, forcing the user to only select the children.

The basis of this tutorial is the flexibility of the Piklist field function, which we will place in a foreach loop.

This tutorial assumes you have already created a hierarchical taxonomy or you’re using the default WordPress Categories. In our example we will be using a custom taxonomy called company_type.

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First get the Parents

Using the standard WordPress function get_terms(), we will first get all the Parents for this taxonomy. Setting 'parent' => 0 returns all top-level terms.

$parents = get_terms('company_type', array(
  'hide_empty'  => false
  ,'parent'  => 0

Next, assign the Children

Now that we have the parents, we need to loop through each one, then show their child fields using the Piklist Field function. Then we pass some parameters to the Piklist Field function for each Parent ID.

Once again we will use the WordPress function get_terms(), to get our child taxonomy values. This function stores data in an array, and with Piklist, parsing an array and displaying it as Checkboxes (or Radio buttons… or a Select box) is really easy. As you can see from the WordPress Codex page, this array stores all data in an Object, and then breaks them out. You have access to fields like term_id, name, child_of etc.

foreach ($parents as $parent => $value) {
piklist('field', array(
    'type' => 'checkbox'
    ,'scope' => 'taxonomy'
    ,'field' => 'category'
    ,'label' => $value->name
    ,'choices' => piklist(
        get_terms('category', array(
          'hide_empty' => false
          ,'child_of' => $value->term_id


Let’s take a look at this code:

  • First we created a standard Piklist Checkbox list.
  • Notice we set the scope here. In most cases Piklist will automatically determine the scope. But when using taxonomies you will need to set 'scope' => 'taxonomy'.
  • In this example we make the label parameter dynamic, passing it the Parent name $value->name.
  • The choices array gets pulled in dynamically. We told Piklist to use the get_terms() function, and told it to get the company_type taxonomy values. We also passed it two parameters: hide_empty and child_of. Both standard for get_terms(). We set child_of as the Parent term id: $value->term_id.
  • The next array in the choices array tells Pikist what should be the KEY for the field, and what should be the VALUE. In this case we selected term_id as the KEY, and name as the VALUE to show in the list.

Full snippet

$parents = get_terms(array(
  'taxonomy' => 'company_type'
  ,'hide_empty' => false
  ,'parent' => 0

foreach ($parents as $parent => $value) {

  piklist('field', array(
    'type' => 'checkbox'
    ,'scope' => 'taxonomy'
    ,'field' => 'company_type'
    ,'label' => $value->name
    ,'choices' => piklist(
          'taxonomy' => 'company_type'
          ,'hide_empty' => false
          ,'child_of' => $value->term_id


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