Whether you register a taxonomy via the standard WordPress function register_taxonomy, or through Piklist, you can still take advantage of many Piklist features. However, you can add some extra power to your Taxonomies by registering them the Piklist way. Piklist extends the register_taxonomy function with extra parameters to enable extra features. You can use the standard register_taxonomy
parameters, plus additional ones defined by Piklist.
To register a Taxonomy with Piklist:
filter.add_filter('piklist_taxonomies', 'demo_type_tax');
function demo_type_tax($taxonomies) {
$taxonomies[] = array(
'post_type' => 'piklist_demo'
,'name' => 'piklist_demo_type'
,'show_admin_column' => true
,'configuration' => array(
'hierarchical' => true
,'labels' => piklist('taxonomy_labels', 'Demo Type')
,'hide_meta_box' => true
,'show_ui' => true
,'query_var' => true
,'rewrite' => array(
'slug' => 'demo-type'
return $taxonomies;
When registering a custom taxonomy, choose how you want it to be displayed.
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