Using "Chosen" for select fields

Chosen Example


Piklist makes it easy to create select boxes, but sometimes they can become long with tons of options. Using the “Chosen” jQuery plugin from Harvest can make them more user-friendly.

  • First, let’s load two files from Chosen. Their javascript and css file. Though the javascript is mandatory, the css is not. You can just borrow from this file if you want.

In your theme’s functions.php file, or your main plugin file add this code:

function my_enqueue_files() {
  wp_enqueue_style( 'chosen_styles', '', false );
  wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
  wp_enqueue_script( 'chosen_js', '', array('jquery'), null, true );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_enqueue_files' );

Note: for backend (admin) pages like a post editor, use admin_enqueue_scripts action hook instead:

add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_enqueue_files' );
  • Now let’s add a select field with lots of options. Add this field to the proper file in your /parts folder:
piklist('field', array(
  'type' => 'select'
  ,'field' => 'us_states'
  ,'label' => 'Select a state'
  ,'required' => true
  ,'choices' => array(
      '' => ''
      ,'AL' => 'AL'
      ,'AK' => 'AK'
      ,'AZ' => 'AZ'
      ,'AR' => 'AR'
      ,'CA' => 'CA'
      ,'CO' => 'CO'
      ,'CT' => 'CT'
      ,'DE' => 'DE'
      ,'DC' => 'DC'
      ,'FL' => 'FL'
      ,'GA' => 'GA'
      ,'HI' => 'HI'
      ,'ID' => 'ID'
      ,'IL' => 'IL'
      ,'IN' => 'IN'
      ,'IA' => 'IA'
      ,'KS' => 'KS'
      ,'KY' => 'KY'
      ,'LA' => 'LA'
      ,'ME' => 'ME'
      ,'MD' => 'MD'
      ,'MA' => 'MA'
      ,'MI' => 'MI'
      ,'MN' => 'MN'
      ,'MS' => 'MS'
      ,'MO' => 'MO'
      ,'MT' => 'MT'
      ,'NE' => 'NE'
      ,'NV' => 'NV'
      ,'NH' => 'NH'
      ,'NJ' => 'NJ'
      ,'NM' => 'NM'
      ,'NY' => 'NY'
      ,'NC' => 'NC'
      ,'ND' => 'ND'
      ,'OH' => 'OH'
      ,'OK' => 'OK'
      ,'OR' => 'OR'
      ,'PA' => 'PA'
      ,'RI' => 'RI'
      ,'SC' => 'SC'
      ,'SD' => 'SD'
      ,'TN' => 'TN'
      ,'TX' => 'TX'
      ,'UT' => 'UT'
      ,'VT' => 'VT'
      ,'VA' => 'VA'
      ,'WA' => 'WA'
      ,'WV' => 'WV'
      ,'WI' => 'WI'
      ,'WY' => 'WY'
  ,'attributes' => array(
    'class' => 'chosen-select'
    ,'data-placeholder' => 'Choose a State'

Let’s take a closer look at this field:

Under attributes, we’ve assigned:

  • 'class' => 'chosen-select': This can be any class you want, but it will allow the Chosen JS to convert this field.
  • ,'data-placeholder' => 'Choose a State': Set placeholder text.

Notice we also set the first choice as empty. This is necessary so Chosen can apply the placeholder.

  • Last, we need to add some jQuery and pass Chosen options. You can find a full list of options here.

    You can enqueue this code in a separate file, or if you like, you can include it in the same file as your field code:

      jQuery(document).ready(function () {
            search_contains: true,
            no_results_text: "Nothing found for: ",
            width: "100%",

    IMPORTANT: notice that we’ve included the class chosen-select, from the field code, in the jQuery script. This tells Chosen which field you want to convert.

Full Code Snippet:

Title: Select Fields
Post Type: post

piklist('field', array(
  'type' => 'select'
  ,'field' => 'us_states'
  ,'label' => 'Select a state'
  ,'required' => true
  ,'choices' => array(
      '' => ''
      ,'AL' => 'AL'
      ,'AK' => 'AK'
      ,'AZ' => 'AZ'
      ,'AR' => 'AR'
      ,'CA' => 'CA'
      ,'CO' => 'CO'
      ,'CT' => 'CT'
      ,'DE' => 'DE'
      ,'DC' => 'DC'
      ,'FL' => 'FL'
      ,'GA' => 'GA'
      ,'HI' => 'HI'
      ,'ID' => 'ID'
      ,'IL' => 'IL'
      ,'IN' => 'IN'
      ,'IA' => 'IA'
      ,'KS' => 'KS'
      ,'KY' => 'KY'
      ,'LA' => 'LA'
      ,'ME' => 'ME'
      ,'MD' => 'MD'
      ,'MA' => 'MA'
      ,'MI' => 'MI'
      ,'MN' => 'MN'
      ,'MS' => 'MS'
      ,'MO' => 'MO'
      ,'MT' => 'MT'
      ,'NE' => 'NE'
      ,'NV' => 'NV'
      ,'NH' => 'NH'
      ,'NJ' => 'NJ'
      ,'NM' => 'NM'
      ,'NY' => 'NY'
      ,'NC' => 'NC'
      ,'ND' => 'ND'
      ,'OH' => 'OH'
      ,'OK' => 'OK'
      ,'OR' => 'OR'
      ,'PA' => 'PA'
      ,'RI' => 'RI'
      ,'SC' => 'SC'
      ,'SD' => 'SD'
      ,'TN' => 'TN'
      ,'TX' => 'TX'
      ,'UT' => 'UT'
      ,'VT' => 'VT'
      ,'VA' => 'VA'
      ,'WA' => 'WA'
      ,'WV' => 'WV'
      ,'WI' => 'WI'
      ,'WY' => 'WY'
  ,'attributes' => array(
    'class' => 'chosen-select'
    ,'data-placeholder' => 'Choose a State'



  jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        search_contains: true,
        no_results_text: "Nothing found for: ",
        width: "100%",


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