This is a full list of available parameters for Piklist comment blocks. Not all parameters work with all Piklist parts (parts/
How the pointer should be aligned on this edge, relative to the target.
Piklist Parts: pointers
User capability that can view this group of fields. This is not the “minimum” capability, this is the actual capability. Do not include if you wish to allow all users to view. ** Do not use with “role”. Use one or the other
Piklist Parts: all
Capability: edit_posts
Capability: edit_posts, edit_others_posts
When set to true, all meta-boxes that have been registered by WordPress or other plugins will be removed. This allows you to build your Workflow views exactly the way you want them.
Piklist Parts: workflows
If set to true, this meta-box will be collapsed by default.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes
The part of the page where you want this group of fields to show.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes
context: normal
A description of this section. This field doesn’t do anything except add a description for you.
Piklist Parts: all
Which edge should be adjacent to the target.
Piklist Parts: pointers
Add a button to the tinymce editor that will run your shortcode. The icon used is set by the [icon] (#icon) parameter
Piklist Parts: shortcodes
The div# to extend.
The type of extending you would like to do. Choose one:
Input: string
Returns: string
Name of the dashicon to represent this shortcode.
Piklist Parts: shortcodes
icon: dashicons-editor-quote
Display this group of fields for this object ID.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes, terms, users, media, notices, workflows
id: 2
id: 2, 4
Display this shortcode inline.
Piklist Parts: shortcodes
inline: true
Locking the meta-box stops the user from being able to drag it around the edit screen.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes
lock: true
Whether to show to logged in users or not.
Piklist Parts: all
logged_in: false
The message to show after a successful submission of a form.
Piklist Parts: forms
message: Thank you for your message. We will get back to you shortly.
If set to false, the default box box “look” will be removed.
Piklist Parts: forms
Meta box: false
The HTTP method used for this form.
Piklist Parts: forms
method: get
The name of the part.
Piklist Parts: all
name: My Shortcode
name: Theme Options
Show this item in the network settings of a multisite install.
Piklist Parts: dashboard
network: true
Show the fields in this file when creating a new term.
Piklist Parts: term
new: true
ID of an admin notice.
Piklist Parts: notices
Notice ID: plugin-intro
ID of an admin notice.
Piklist Parts: notices
Notice Type: info
The sort order of this group of fields. Allows for creating an absolute order of field groups. NOTE: If the “lock” attribute is not set, or set to “false”, then the order you set is the default.
For meta-boxes, this is within the context and priority. The user can still drag and drop the meta-boxes and take them out of your designated order.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes, terms, users, workflows, media
order: 4
What admin page will display this data. NOTE: To display on a settings page, use the menu_slug.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes, terms, users, workflows, notices, media
Page: post.php, post-new.php, post-edit.php
Page: profile.php, user-edit.php
Page: edit-tags.php, term.php
Page: my_settings_menu_slug
ID of a pointer
Piklist Parts: pointers
Pointer ID: plugin-settings
The position of your workflow tabs
Piklist Parts: workflows
Position: body
The Post Type or a comma-delimited list of Post Types that will display this meta-box.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes
Post Type: post, page, custom_post_type
Show preview in the admin.
Preview: false
The priority within the context where the boxes should show. Works with the context parameter.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes
Priority: core
Piklist Parts: forms
Redirect: /
Redirect: /thank-you
User role that can view this group of fields. This is not the “minimum” role, this is the actual role . Do not include if you wish to allow all users to view. ** Do not use with “capability”. Use one or the other.
Piklist Parts: all
Role: administrator
Role: administrator, editor, custom-role
The setting this section belongs to, as defined when you initially register the Settings Page.
Piklist Parts: settings
Setting: my_settings
The name of the shortcode. Spaces are not allowed.
Piklist Parts: shortcodes
Shortcode: my_shortcode
Display the content in this file in the Help Tab Sidebar. Do not create a tab for it.
Piklist Parts: help
Sidebar: true
Display this group of fields for this object slug.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes, terms, users, media, notices, workflows
When targeting a post, term or media item, use that items slug. When targeting a user, use their user ID.
slug: my-page
slug: my-page, my-term, my-media, a-user-id
By default, Piklist takes all widgets created within a plugin or theme, and groups them as one widget. If you want your widget to not be part of a group, like the WordPress default, set this parameter to true.
Piklist Parts: help
Standalone: true
List of post statuses that will show this meta-box. Custom post statuses are allowed.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes
Status: my_custom_status
Status: my_custom_status, published
If a Workflow and a Tab have already been defined, use this parameter to assign this field group to a sub-tab of a Tab.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes, terms, users, settings, media
Sub Tab: basic
Sub Tab: basic, tab one
If a Workflow has been defined, use this parameter to assign this field group to a specific Tab.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes, terms, users, settings, media
Tab: General
Tab: General, Advanced
The Taxonomy or a comma-delimited list of Taxonomies that will display this meta-box.
Piklist Parts: terms
Taxonomy: category, tag
Taxonomy: my_taxonomy
The file name of the Page Template you want this meta-box to display, without “.php”. The page must be saved with this page template to work. If the file is in a directory, that directory must be included.
You must save the page before this parameter will work.
Piklist Parts: meta-boxes
Template: my-template
Template: page-templates/my-template
Template: default
Title of the section.
Piklist Parts: all
Title: Theme Settings
Title: User Options
The width of the widget UI in the admin
Piklist Parts: widgets
Width: 500
Width: 720
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